Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Theory 1: Envious Older Sisters = AVOID!

Here's my take on this theory:

When talking about relationships in a sibling scale, usually the older one is supposed to have a relationship rather than the younger one. It has been this like this since back in the days. But when the older one is surpassed by the younger sibling, things turn out to be sour.

Technically, this would result in a psychological syndrome in which the older one is being treated as the weaker of the siblings in terms of starting a relationship. It would look like that the older may have done something that made her potential lovers avoid her. It would seem that the older sister's charm isn't up to "that" level as her sibling has achieved. It would also appear that if the older sister is surpassed by the younger sibling, she would be hell-bent in destroying her sibling's relationship. She would then exercise her status as the "older sister" to manipulate her younger sister into ending the relationship and to avoid contact with guys. This may hurt the chances of the younger sibling getting in another relationship but she can't do anything since she has to obey her older sister in terms of family hierarchy.

My personal take on this is that the older sister is too envious of her sibling. Why didn't she think on why she can't get guys? Why did she have to ruin other people's chances in getting into a relationship? It's downright selfish I believe. Not only did she destroy two people's hopes in a relationship but she cursed her sister into getting into a stable relationship.

Here's a note for that specific sister:

Grow up. No one will like you if you continue that way of thinking. You are already an adult yet you act so childish about things like this. It's about time that you realized your weaknesses.

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